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Monday, January 29, 2007

Stylist needed IMMEDIATELY!!

'Here we go again' with a case where a stylist needs to be fired, and fired fast! So I'm watching the UNCF's tribute to Aretha Franklin on BET last night and talking to mommy on the phone. Before I get in front of the television, mommy's going on about Aretha's dress and how she doh understand what she's wearing. So being me, I try to look for a logical explanation...surely a designer must be paying her to wear it. I sit down in front of the tv and see the severity of the situation. I swear I had to do a double take because I thought I was seeing big bird with a new hair colour (read: feathers).
Now Aretha, 'no one could ever love you more' than I do, but babes which blasted 'chain of fools' did you hire to be your stylists? There 'ain't no way' they should've let you leave your dressing room looking like that. I mean I know it's your night, and you want to stand out, but come on! Who recruits these people that call themselves fashion stylists?

Anyway Lady Soul, no disrespect intended here... 'I say a little prayer' and hope that at the next awards/tribute show your outfit will be just as classy and timeless as you are. Now demand some 'respect' and get a new team! You do 'stand accused', that will be a fine for tiefing big birds' feathers and a referral list of new stylists.

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