You have made your way to the lair where I let loose my inner voice. That voice that is REAL, but not easily verbalized. So as you enter, brace yourself for all the things, random or not, that go on inside this little head of mine. Enjoy and make sure to leave your comments!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Musically Fixated

Okay, so I'm sitting here after adding some of my "musical fixations" to the side of the page and I have a headache. Honestly, I CAN'T BELIEVE how much GOOD music there is out there! Some of which has been forgotten. I tell you, I was remembering things from the moms and pops era to New Jack to (my) old school to present and I started to get super excited. I mean like my heart was racing, I was typing fast, not able to sit still in my chair, flipping through cd books, asking people online the names of artists for certain song gosh! I'm looking at the list now and the crazy thing is, I know I'm missing a ton of artists that should be there. That being said, I really had to stop myself because I could've gone on for a good while. It's such a shame that all this good music exists and we have to be subjected to (some of) the crap that is played in clubs and over the airwaves. Sigh, I need to calm my nerves so I'm going to listen to something. lol

What do you think I should listen to?


Anonymous said...

Hey your blog!

QueenBea said...

ohhhhhhh so nice to hear from you, long time! Glad you like what you see:)