You have made your way to the lair where I let loose my inner voice. That voice that is REAL, but not easily verbalized. So as you enter, brace yourself for all the things, random or not, that go on inside this little head of mine. Enjoy and make sure to leave your comments!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Do you remember that Cosby episode?

You know, the one where Theo says something about not having to do well in school because he just wants to be regular people? You know the one where Bill has a little monopoly money demonstration outlining a month of potential expenses that Theo would have? I'm reminding you of this episode because a few days ago I echoed the same sentiment Bill had when he said "Theo that is the DUMBEST thing I have ever heard!"
(sidebar: if you don't remember, it was the pilot presentation for season 1)

A few days ago, I think it was Thursday or Friday, I received a video call from this guy Troy. At the time I did not feel like accepting the video request so, I proceeded to just have a speaker conversation, only it ended up being one of the DUMBEST conversations I have ever had in life!!! Had I known I would not have only rejected the video but the call itself. I was dumb myself in entertaining the conversation, but it was a new moon so I blame it on that.

So, I reject the video and dude wants to know why. I tell him I am not decent. For most people that would be enough of an explanation right? So tell me why this man wanted a full explanation and was playing de royal ASS like he doh know what not being decent or fully clothed meant?! steups man. Here is a snippet of what I remember from the convo:

Troy: why didn't you accept the video? I wanted to see your face
Me: (rolling my eyes of course) I'm not decent.
Troy: what does that mean, not decent?
Me: I am not fully clothed, you don't need details
Troy: Why not? Are we kids? Why can't you just say Troy I don't have on a blouse or I doh have on a pants
Me: No we are not kids, and that is besides the point. Why do I need to give you details, that should be enough, stop being foolish. You are being foolish.
Troy: What are you trying to hide? because you don't sound like you're being you, you don't sound real(mind you I met him 2-3 weeks ago)
Me: listen this is as real as I get, take it or leave it!(now I'm really irked) If I think you are being foolish I will tell you and I just did
>fastfoward a bit
Troy: if I told you I wasn't decent you would ask me what I meant
Me: you really don't know me very well b/c you saying that would be enough of an explanation and I would leave it at that. I really don't need to know what you have on.

Anyway you get the point....this STUPID convo went on for about 10 minutes until I had to just say his name 3 times so he would shut up enough for me to change the topic and ask how his day was steupssss. With topic changed, the convo was cool after that. Cool until he answered me with "ok Miss not decent". I was like seriously, FORREAL? You're going there again? The conversation was done after that and I haven't spoken to him since. I'm wondering if I should call him and tell him how incredibly asinine I found that conversation to be and that it should never happen again.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Simply Alluring said...

No DOn't call might jsut end up in a next stupid conversation