You have made your way to the lair where I let loose my inner voice. That voice that is REAL, but not easily verbalized. So as you enter, brace yourself for all the things, random or not, that go on inside this little head of mine. Enjoy and make sure to leave your comments!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Can you find someone attractive without being attracted to them? Now, in my humble opinion I believe the answer is yes, but some may beg to differ. I'm under the impression that the English language allows the possibility for the adjective to be present without the verb also being present at the same point in time. For example, I could be a believable person, but that doesn't mean that one has to believe what I am saying. By virtue of that description I could be telling a lie which to some, may be believable by merit, but by no means do they have to believe what I have said. Are you following me here? Am I making sense?

I can say that my male friends are attractive (read: capable of being "pleasing or appealing to the senses" or "arousing interest" according to Oxford) without being romantically attracted(read: "cause to have a liking for or interest in") to them. If that was the case then that would mean that I'm attracted to my female friends! For those who know me, you know there is no way in hell or on God's green earth that that could be possible. Anyway, just my two cents (that I think make sense lol)